Giovedì, 16 Maggio 2024 - 21:40:27
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Prosperous plant low to medium size and very productive. The collection is obtained after 50-70 days after transplantation, presenting the globular in shape eggplant and deep violet color, slightly ribbed, large size (it can reach a weight of 400-500 gr.). Collettato white at the chalice. The pulp of the prosperous eggplant is a white color, and if the fruit is picked at the right time, you can extend the storage time. For its propr IETA to improve liver function, decrease the rate of uric acid and cholesterol in the blood, is called the fruit of health. Stored at 5-10 ° C, it shows a shelf-life of 14-16 days.


5 Kilograms

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This type of tomato fruit grows in clusters and each cluster can have up to twenty-five cherry tomatoes are small and round, sweet taste with a juicy texture and weigh between 15 and 40 grams. The fruits of this vegetable have round, bright red in color, with a delicate flavor. Despite showing good resistance would it be to never expose this plant to less than ten degrees; the ideal temperature for cultivation is between 25 and 27 degrees. Widely used in salads in the kitchen, it is a good ally for diets, having fewer calories, and purifying and refreshing, showing usefulness in facilitating diuresis. If stored at a temperature of 5-9 ° C, shows Shelf-life of 14-17 days.


6.5 Kilograms

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Wonderful variety, very fruitful despite the cultivar is sensitive to low temperatures during the flowering stage. It produces the rich clusters of grapes shiny black oblong. The berry is blue-black and ellipsoid. The pulp has unsapore neutral and good crush resistance. Maturation takes place from late June to early September, but you can also pick up later. Each strain arrives to produce between 26 and 30 Kg of grapes, with a sugar content near to 18%. The product stored in the refrigerator at a temperature of about 4- 6 ° C shows a Shelf Life 13 days.


6.5 Kilograms

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The Vittoria is a white grape varieties by selection boards clone obtained by crossing the variety Queen and the Cardinal, so as to have large clusters of pyramidal shape, with yellow beans, large and perfectly oval. The skin has high concentrations of bloom, while the flesh is very fragrant and juicy. It has an average sweetness, almost neutral, with 15% of grain for sugars. The weight of the bunches varies between 600 and 800grammi, while that of the grains is around 7 grams. Each strain gets to produce almost 25 Kg of grapes, vigorous and very resistant to transport. Buds early enough, usually within the pr imi ten days of April, with the equally precocious maturation, which takes place in the south in the last 10 days of July until the first week of August, while in northern Italy you have to wait for the middle of August . The precocity of this variety is one of the most important benefits to the industry and the consumer, because of a high productivity. Ilprodotto stored in the refrigerator at a temperature of about 4- 6 ° C shows a Shelf Life 13 days.


6.5 Kilograms

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